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Smart business is building and fostering the teams who make magic happen for you


elements of high performing teams

Psychological safetyDependabilityClarityMeaningImpact

Our team development sessions leverage the fundamentals of high performing teams, found by Google during Project Aristotle. The research found 5 elements, in priority order, are essential for high performing teams and organizations. 

Solutions for every step of your team journey

A great leader empowers their teams and achieves strategic results for the organization. Yet, no matter how good the leader, this remains a challenge when teams are not 'on the same page'.


Our qualified trainers and group facilitators work with your teams to overcome their unique barriers to success and assist them with communication, dispute resolution, awareness and development tools to achieve individual, team and organizational success.

The sessions supercharge the teams desire and ability to understand each others strengths, work together collaboratively, to communicate effectively and to focus on and achieve results.

Our sessions leverage the fundamentals of high performing teams, found by Google during Project Aristotle. The research found 5 elements, in priority order, are essential for high performing teams and organizations. 


Culture, teamwork, performance & results


Individuals, teams & organizations.

Personal & workplace.




In person or online platform




- Leadership essentials

- Coaching skills

- High performing teams

- Dispute resolution

- Performance conversations

Group Facilitation

Perfect for both driving high performance and resolving team challenges

Individuals, teams & organizations.

Personal & workplace.

In person or online platform.



- High performing teams

- Strategy creation

- Team planning sessions

- Dispute resolution

Dispute Resolution

Overcoming conflict, challenges, personality clashes



Anyone experiencing interpersonal challenges



In person or online platform


Our Mediators, Conflict Management Coaches and Group Facilitators help you/your people overcome challenges and get back to business.

See contact details at the bottom of each page

It is not who is on the team, it is how they work together!

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